(Tampa, FL) Clips4Sale, the original and still #1 downloadable video clips site, is offering a brand-new, exciting feature of holiday-themed and special events clip promotions to all their studios, just in time for Halloween.
Customers will now be able to browse for holiday-themed and special events clips from multiple studios on one page. Clips4Sale will be promoting the clips on their home page, as well as through on-site links, social media, and press releases to adult news outlets. The new themed clips will allow studios to step into the spotlight, be creative, and release clips with the current holiday or special event theme.
“We’re excited to offer our studios a new way to post clips and get noticed,” says Owner Neil. “This will offer our customers more variety of clips that they can purchase and increase sales for our studios. We will be doing holidays, seasons, and other special themes throughout the year. There’s still a few weeks until Halloween, and we’re excited to see how creative our studios get with their clips.”
To take part in the current themed clip promotion, you must post a new, never before posted clip, use the custom keyword, and follow the rules posted at blog.clips4sale.com. Only one clip per studio can be posted in each themed clip promotion. For Halloween, the custom keyword is C4SHalloween17.
Producers and models looking to open a new Clips4Sale studio, can visit https://www.clips4sale.com/clips/page/openastudio.
All media inquiries about Clips4Sale and their models/producers should be directed to Erika Icon of The Rub PR at erika@therubpr.com.
Clips4Sale is the original clips site and still the #1 downloadable video clips site. They feature over one thousand categories for every niche or kink you can think of and get off to. Clips4Sale has the largest selection of high resolution media and thousands of clips are added every day. Producers and sellers get some of the highest payouts due to an incredibly high traffic volume, which includes over 1.3 million daily page views and 20 million fetish-hungry visitors each month. All content is extremely secure on their servers and easy to upload using with their uploading system, plus they have the highest bandwidth of any clips site. Clips4Sale also offers easily accessible stats and sales info, free advertising banners for studios on their home page, and 24/7 technical support for studios and sellers, in addition to 24/7 customer support.
Images4Sale, Videos4Sale, and streaming video membership site C4SMembers are also part of the Clips4Sale online multi-media entertainment experience. For more information about Clips4Sale, go to https://clips4sale.com. Keep up with everything C4S by following them on Twitter at @clips4sale and @cs4updates and Instagram at @clips4sale.